Friday, September 28, 2012

ISBN: 978-958-8705-27-9 "Travesia del Alma" Jenny Cabrera


Novedad literaria


en la 

18a Feria del libro del pacifico

Encuentro de culturas y regiones

Lanzamiento del libro y recital

sàbado 29 de Septiembre de 2012

4 P.M

Auditorio Jorge Isaacs

Biblioteca Departamental

María Jenny Cabrera  (MAYE )

Caleña raizal, (1962) escribe desde su adolescencia, la inspiración inicial estuvo en GABRIELA MISTRAL Y ALFONSINA STORNI, ha sido influenciada por  MEIRA DEL MAR ,  MARIA MERCEDES CARRANZA ,  PIEDAD BONNET, Y LA POETISA DE PALENQUE MARIA TERESA RAMIREZ.
Cuenta con dos libros inéditos y Travesía del Alma, poemario que se lanza en Septiembre de  2012.
  Cuenta con su Blog : MAYECALI.BLOGSPOT.COM ( TRAVESÍA DEL EL ALMA), donde precisamente  desnuda ésta  para dejarnos conocer los sibilino senderos por los que hubo de trasegar para llegar a las letras que hoy relatan su camino sin llegada pero henchido de esperanza.
Es egresada de la Universidad del Valle en  Gestión Ejecutiva  y  fue gestora cultural de su comuna nombrada por voto popular.
Ofició como  presentadora del programa de televisión MAGAZIN  AM.COM y colaboró por algún tiempo con programas radiales al lado de insignes periodistas de la ciudad en procura de incentivar nuevamente una Cali cívica por excelencia.
Creadora y Directora  de la Fundación HACIENDO CIUDAD, HACEMOS  PAIS que propendía por recuperar el civismo de la ciudad y brindar oportunidad de aprendizaje artístico a niños con alto grado de vulnerabilidad. 

Fernando IX University

Un Rincón Poético para caminar juntos en búsqueda de respuestas sobre el dolor, la Soledad, la Pasión y el AMOR


Centelleas en las cumbres
Las más altas
eres sabiduría milenaria;
Heredada del agua
De paso firme y trasegar altivo
La luz de los colores
Iluminan tu risa y tus ansias

Plasmas vidas  en retablos
Esculpes trazos en el alba.
 palabras que enamoran
Brota  tu pluma madrugada

La pasión marcó tu sello
 vibraste y fuiste trueno
 levitó como pluma
la piel que anidaba
entre tus brazos tiernos

montañas de agua etérea
la bañaban
y en una madrugada
  ceñiste  la dulzura
 la esculpiste para el alma.



Cubierto de espejos
la tarde cae en penumbra
los ojos transitan 
en el espacio silente.
el aroma del viento
busca perpetuarse
en las huellas de una imagen
tatuada de versos 


Cali- 2012
Fernando IX University


Esa soy, la real,
taciturna, vaporosa, enamorada
Esa soy
sin deseos, sin sexo, sin mi cuerpo,
sola con mi alma
la del día a día
la que dispone mundos
y por igual su casa

que se viste de vida
para  cuidar  del nido
la que edifica un hombre
la que construye hijos
La que piensa y dispensa
y se arruga y desmaya
la que mira en silencio
Como todo se acaba

Esa soy
la del día a día
Esa  que imagina  que
enamora el alba
y busca en resquicios
de otros alma
y el alma de ella

la que sueña amores,
la que olvida odios
y   las decepciones
las guarda silente
entre ajadas  flores

esa soy
la que se abandona
y se entrega toda
toda en sentimiento
solo con su alma
lejos de su cuerpo

con  sus tantas penas
y escasas  alegrías
que  de vez en cuando
se pretende reina¡, se pretende musa¡,
se pretende hada¡ , nana¡, abuela y niña¡
la que canta versos,
y por quién la vida brinda su ambrosía


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CS169.1x: Software as a ServiceBerkeleyX


CS169.1x teaches the fundamentals for engineering long–lasting software using highly–productive Agile techniques to develop Software as a Service (SaaS) using Ruby on Rails. Students will understand the new challenges and opportunities of SaaS versus shrink–wrapped software. They will understand and apply fundamental programming techniques to the design, development, testing, and public cloud deployment of a simple SaaS application. Students will use best–of–breed tools that support modern development techniques including behavior–driven design, user stories, test–driven development, velocity, and pair programming. Students will learn how modern programming language features like metaprogramming and reflection can improve productivity and code maintainability.
Students will work individually on weekly coding projects. Those who successfully complete each assignment and earn a passing grade will get an honor code certificate from BerkeleyX.


Programming proficiency in an object-oriented programming language such as Java, C#, C++, Python, or Ruby is required. We will teach the basics of Ruby at a very accelerated pace that assumes thorough familiarity with OOP inheritance, static/class vs. instance methods and attributes, recursion, hash tables/hash maps, list comprehensions, higher-order functions, lambda expressions. This course is NOT a good first course in programming. Basic Unix command–line skills are helpful; we will provide a cheat sheet.


Armando Fox

Armando Fox is an Adjunct Associate Professor at UC Berkeley and was previously an Assistant Professor at Stanford, where he received teaching and mentoring awards from the Associated Students of Stanford University, the Society of Women Engineers, and Tau Beta Pi Engineering Honor Society. In previous lives he helped design the Intel Pentium Pro microprocessor and founded a successful startup to commercialize his UC Berkeley dissertation research on mobile computing. His degrees in electrical engineering and computer science are from MIT, the University of Illinois, and UC Berkeley, and he is an ACM Distinguished Member.

David Patterson

David Patterson is the Pardee Professor of Computer Science at UC Berkeley and the recipient of the Distinguished Teaching Award (UC Berkeley), the Karlstrom Outstanding Educator Award (ACM), the Mulligan Education Medal (IEEE), and the Undergraduate Teaching Award (IEEE). He has served as Chair of Berkeley's CS Division, Chair of the CRA, and President of the ACM. His best–known research projects are Reduced Instruction Set Computers (RISC), Redundant Arrays of Inexpensive Disks (RAID), and Network of Workstations (NOW). Among other distinctions, he's been elected to the National Academy of Engineering, the National Academy of Sciences, and the Silicon Valley Engineering Hall of Fame, and is a Fellow of the Computer History Museum. He received all his degrees from UCLA.


How will this course be different from the SaaS course offered on Coursera in Feb/May/July 2012?

There will be several improvements:
  • All lectures will be re-recorded in high definition with a more interactive format, using a pen-enabled tablet to mark up the slides as they are presented.
  • Lectures will be expanded with live video capturing discussions and detailed explanations about the self-assessment questions accompanying each lecture.
  • The presentation order and amount of time spent on some material is being changed in response to feedback from both on-campus and online students.
  • The quizzes will contain all new questions.

What is the format of the class?

The class will consist of lecture videos, which are broken into small chunks, usually between eight and twelve minutes each. Some of these may contain integrated "check-yourself" questions. There will also be programming assignments and standalone exams/quizzes, which are not part of the video lectures.

How can I learn more about the course content?

Please watch the video on this page that we recorded especially for this offering of the course.

Will the text of the lectures be available?

Yes, transcripts of the course will be made available.

Do I need to watch the lectures live?

No. You can watch the lectures at your leisure.

How much does it cost to take the course?

Nothing: the course is free. However, the recommended textbooks are not, but there are free online sources to follow if you do not wish to purchase textbooks.

What versions of Ruby and Rails will we use in the course?

We will make available at least 2 weeks before class a virtual machine image with all required courseware. You can either download this image and run it using the free VirtualBox ( software on any Intel x86-based computer, or you can deploy it on Amazon's Elastic Compute Cloud using instructions we will provide. In general, we'll be using Rails 3.1 and Ruby 1.9.2, but we will also be using many other tools, gems, and libraries that will be preinstalled.
Visit: VM instructions to download the virtual machine and access directions for setup.
If you have any questions about course logistics that are not answered on this page, please email

Thursday, September 27, 2012

FIX University Agenda Cultural OCW @

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Welcome to Spring Semester 2013

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The Best College Radio Stations

recstay.blogspot.comRecStay Inglesagil A&F Amazon Adventure: Sep 22, 2009
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recstay.blogspot.comInglesAgil A&F(RecStay) 630 × 881 - 99 k - jpg paginadeanamariagomes.
104 × 146 - 5 k, February 23, 2012
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recstay.blogspot.comInglesagil RecStay FIXUniversity: Mario Roldan Villa @ Club de Ejecutivos as ...
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christfix.blogspot.comInglesAgil A&F(RecStay) 630 × 890 - 109 k - jpg
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recstay.blogspot.comInglesAgil A & F (RecStay) Library: ... 1772 × 2480 - 1351 k - jpg
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recstay.blogspot.comInglesagil RecStay FIXUniversity: Mario Roldan Villa @ Club de Ejecutivos as ...
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fixlibrary.blogspot.comInglesagil Looks at Webby Awards, Welcome FIX University; Inglesagil Looks .
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recstay.blogspot.comInglesagil RecStay FIXUniversity: En Algún Lugar de Esta Otra Ciudad II .
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recstay.blogspot.comInglesagil RecStay FIXUniversity: Mario Roldan Villa @ Club de Ejecutivos as ...
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recstay.blogspot.comInglesagil RecStay FIXUniversity: Toros, Feria de Cali Agenda Cultural @ FIX ...
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recstay.blogspot.comInglesagil RecStay FIXUniversity: Agenda Cultural @ FIX University Campus
143 × 98 - 5 k ingles ágil y divertido. cambiaría por otro .. Compartir. 27/08/2012 ...
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recstay.blogspot.comInglesagil RecStay FIXUniversity: Toros, Feria de Cali Agenda Cultural @ FIX ...
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maggie101.blogspot.comAn Americana Event "CAMPUS CULTURAL" InglesAgil
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maggie101.blogspot.comAn Americana Event "CAMPUS CULTURAL" InglesAgil
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maggie101.blogspot.comAn Americana Event "CAMPUS CULTURAL" InglesAgil
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culturalcampus.blogspo...The Best College Radio Stations
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fixlibrary.blogspot.comRecStay Inglesagil A&F Amazon Adventure: May 4, 2012
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fixrecstay.blogspot.comMARTES 14 DE AGOSTO DE 2012. LEER LIBERA: Programa de promoción de lectura ...
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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Artist Guild Meeting / Orchestra & Artist on Stage @ FIX University

Fernando IX University
Fernando IX University
Fernando IX University
Fernando IX University
Fernando IX University


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Welcome to Spring Semester 2013

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The Best College Radio Stations

Orchestra Pit is Empty

chchchoir.orgPhotos: Eternal Light at Sadler's Wells
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pac.ccs.eduThe orchestra pit can be set at any level - from stage level to audience ...
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westfordcomp.comSomewhere down in this orchestra pit is a loved one. I think it's the ...
848 × 732 - 62 k - jpg but most authorities believe it refers to a theater's orchestra pit, ...
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music.utoronto.caThe orchestra pit is ...
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edwebproject.orgA view of the orchestra pit prior to the performance of La Boheme.
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conradaskland.comI am the pit orchestra director for an upcoming High School prodcution of
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chchchoir.orgPhotos: Eternal Light at Sadler's Wells
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blog.preservationnatio...View into the orchestra pit where the lift's floor structure and machinery ...
672 × 609 - 76 k - jpg View Into The Depths Of The Orchestra Pit At The College of Charleston ...
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presents.interlochen.orgCorson Auditorium Image Gallery
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sarasotaopera.blogspot...The pit lift at its lowest position, creating a full sized orchestra pit ...
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en.opera.seThe number of musicians in the orchestra pit varies. orchestra
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jimvigh.qondio.comOrchestra pit at New York State Theater
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paperimages.tumblr.comEverett Shinn (American, 1876–1953) The Orchestra Pit, Old Proctor's Fifth ...
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members.virtualtourist...Looking down at the orchestra pit - Essen. 1. Looking down at the orchestra ...
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iangrey.orgBehind the orchestra pit is the electrical store.
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blackfootpac.comAbout BPAC - About the Facility
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sarasotaopera.blogspot...See Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, and Part 4 of the orchestra pit construction.
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fas.harvard.eduLoeb Drama Center Orchestra Pit dimensions
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newmusicostrava.czStage Directors. Jiří Nekvasil (1962) graduated from the Music Faculty of ...
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covenant.eduA professional theatre director and educator in New York, Wills is a core ...
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app1.kuhf.orgStage-directors, Buck Ross and Joseph Evans and Music Directors, ...
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lastagetimes.comThe L.A.-based Academy for New Musical Theatre presented its bi-annual Biz ...
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houston.culturemap.comViswa Subbaraman, Skylight Music Theatre, artistic director
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smc.eduJanie Jones and Gary Gray, Co-Directors. SMC Theatre Arts and Music students ...
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rollingstone.comStage Directors and Choreographers Society, the union representing Taymor, ...
306 × 416 - 79 k - jpg singers, actors, stage directors, filmmakers, writers and academics.
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lastagetimes.comMeet the Artistic Directors panel: Michael Michetti of Theatre @ Boston ...
600 × 400 - 68 k - jpeg winning awards as musical and stage directors of musicals for Bay Area ...
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revelsdc.orgRoberta Gasbarre, Stage Director Elizabeth Fulford Miller, Music Director
300 × 235 - 35 k - jpg Theatre Company, Guthrie) and Anita Ruth (veteran music director- ...
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uzanartists.comStage Director Peter Kazaras currently serves as Seattle Opera's Artistic ...
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djmag.caIn terms of music Eroca Colins (the Village's other Stage Director) ...
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piperanselmi.comRobin Blauers has staged opera and musical theater in both the United States ...
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opera.eeOne of the well known Hungarian Choreographers and Stage Directors Gyula ...
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tricitiesopera.comTCO will also engage professional Stage Directors for each mainstage ...
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english.toun.ruStage Directors: Anna-Ksenia Vishnevskaya, Timur Salikhov
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varnainternational.comStage Director: Dr. Terri Brown Director of Musical Theatre
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operaprojects.orgCaren France, stage director. Mila Henry, piano
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